Sunday, October 14, 2012 amusing customer service experience

I have tried shopping from several times after hearing rave reviews about them and surprisingly each time I encountered some or the other problem, which did not let me order. I talked to customer service and they noted down my request, but nothing was done about it.

I tried ordering finger rings from a particular brand that I really liked and the size chart was missing. Despite several calls, emails, nobody bothered to get back to me on that. I dropped the idea.

In Aug this year, I went to their site again to check out some lowers (trackpants and panties). I was not sure of the size so I clicked on the 'Not sure of your size?' link next to each item. Surprisingly, it came up with a size chart for the 'uppers' only.
I called them and they told me I will get a response in minimum 48 hours. That was too long to wait for a return call so I also emailed them that I need something to fit waist size this and hip circumference this, but I am not sure if that would fit into an S or M as the size chart is irrelevant. I gave them the link to the items and explained very clearly what I needed help with.

After a few days, I got this response from
(Click on the image to see enlarged view)

My Response:
(Click on the image to see enlarged view)

Ahhhhhhh the bliss of shopping from a remote area! But I wonder, if I was still in Delhi, would it have made a difference to the size chart? Nope ;)

By the way, I wonder why do they have TWO Facebook pages:One with a White Logo and the Other with a Black logo.

** images courtesy


  1. Hahahahaha....ur response! Loved the way u framed ur mail lol
    Crzy people!
    But then hw come you hv Jabong adverts on the sidebar of ur blog?

    1. He he I think the business is good, just the customer service is poor (though polite). It was just too funny not to share :D I was actually amazed to know they have their dedicated courier service in main cities and the guy brings along a swipe machine as well for COD and takes back the shoes in case they don't fit you etc and you too hauled with them recently during your haul-i-daying ;) Oh the ads, that's because the context of my blogpost matches the context of the ad: contextual ad targeting.

  2. Creativity in the posts..:)
    darling i am sorry for late response since my mail subscriptions from onlygreymatters were getting into spam. and i was under the impression that you have not posted.

    1. Hey no worries at all :) And I do not expect everyone to read every post. All I want is people who come to my blog through search engines, leave with some value add to their lives :) and if any info is able to help anyone, that's the satisfaction I thrive on. So please never worry about reading and commenting on all posts but I do love and appreciate honest feedback.

  3. Lol.. looks like they are really not bothered to go through the query/complaint in the first place. all they want to do is mail some automated reply to a particular type of question. aptly replied gagan...


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