Tuesday, December 4, 2012

VLCC Groome Instant Nail Shiner Review

This is a review of VLCC Groome Instant Nail Shiner, a wonderful grooming product for both men and women.

For years, the only nail accessory I had known was a nail filer. My mom never kept long nails and there was no other female in the family to look up to for any kind of beauty or makeup related knowledge. I usually wear transparent nail enamel as it makes the nails look shiny, natural and classy. 

While browsing through an online store a couple of months ago I happened to notice nail shiners under the Nail Accessories/Manicure Tools section, and this product interested me instantly.

VLCC Groome Instant Nail Shiner Review

There were four-step blocks (shape, smooth, buff and shine) and two-step blocks (smooth and buff/shine) for grooming and shining nails. These are offered by various brands like Audreys, Ranara, Konad, Faces, VLCC etc. Because my nails are already fragile and I rarely file them, I bought this VLCC Groome 2 step instant nail shiner. It came in a very sturdy packing with yet another plastic layer within the outer covering.

VLCC Groome Instant Nail Shiner Review

Package Description and Claims:

This nail grooming block is made up of some spongy porous synthetic material, which I have also seen being recently used in some beach slippers. The colored side has a paper like texture and is slightly rough, because it is meant to smooth any uneven surfaces/ridges and stains on your nails with friction. The white side is soft and rubbery.

VLCC Groome Instant Nail Shiner Review
 Step 1 

VLCC Groome

VLCC Groome Instant Nail Shiner Review
 Step 2 

While I do not have any stains on my nails, there were ridges on a couple of nails. I used the Colored (low abrasive) side in circular motion on to smooth out the ridges and within a few seconds, I could see white powder of dead cells, with the smoothened nail below. I dusted off the dead skin and then moved the White Side (non abrasive) on each nail to and fro (you can rub in left-right-left or up-down-up motions). I got better results when I rubbed the shiner on all four finger nails together in one long to and fro motion. And Viola, within a few seconds I got a mirror shine on my nails, just like you get when you apply transparent nail enamel. 


Here are the before and after pics. Actually I was so excited to try this, I forgot to click the before pics :) So I am showing you a pic of a nail from my other hand, where I have not used this nail shiner. I will update the pic after the next use.

VLCC Groome Instant Nail Shiner Results
 AFTER: Actual result is much shinier than what you see in the pic 
I even tried it on my toe nails which required both step 1 and step 2 and again the same smooth and shiny surface was unveiled. 

MRP: INR 129
I bought for INR 92 from urbantouch.com

I just LOVE this product. What are your thoughts on this?


  1. wow..very nice review n seems to be nice product as well...will try it for sure...thanks for sharing dear :):)

    1. Yes it is a nice product and affordable too :) Worth trying Tej.

  2. Will try.... :) Thanks for the review :)

  3. very nice review.. seems like a promising product.. :)

    1. Thanks Jyotsna. It is indeed a great and affordable product for the results it gives.

  4. wow..i just loved the after results..i am surely getting this =)
    and thanks for the lovely review!!

    1. :) Thanks Jasmine. I am also loving the after results, especially on the feet, where nails usually get quickly covered with a white layer.

  5. OMG!!! The shine is awesome!A gud alternative for the transparent nail paint which can give yellow nails, if used fr longer duration ..Will buy it too ;)

    1. Yes Ruby, you are right. Before using this, I never knew nails could be made this shiny naturally :)

  6. I'm a little scared to use buffers lol :p . Just a weird phobia. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have removed the capchta thing :)

    1. Ha ha, but this one is not scary. The abrasive side may be jst 1 or say 0.5% abrasive and the other side is anyways smooth. Moreover, when you buff, it puts a little pressure on the nail bed, thus improving blood circulation there. So I guess this cannot harm. The instructions are also very clear :)

    2. Just visited your blog. Great that you removed the captcha verification.


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