Saturday, August 24, 2013

Clean and Dry Intimate Wash Review

This is a review of Clean And Dry Intimate Wash (pH Balanced) for women.
Clean and Dry Intimate Wash Review

Clean and Dry Intimate Wash Price India
Quantity: 100 ml
Price: Rs 100
Shelf Life: 36 months

Availability: Available at and a few other online stores. May also be available at chemist shops.

So far I have tried Avon, Lactacyd, Vagisil and now Clean and Dry. Lactacyd is still the best and safest so far. The thing that sets Clean and Dry Intimate Wash apart from other such washes in the Indian market is it's skin lightening claim.


Clean and Dry Intimate Wash Ingredients
Clean and Dry is a highly concentrated, transparent, ginger colored gel. Just ONE SMALL DROP is more than enough for single use. Like all other washes, this too needs a good amount of water to wash off. And, due to the high amount of surfactants it contains, it is important to rinse it off thoroughly from the skin.

It has a sweet talcum powder-like fragrance. It contains Menthol. A few sexual wellness products contain Menthol too. May be, that is meant to increase blood circulation, but I find that extremely stupid. The menthol felt quite strong during the first few uses and it actually de-sensitized my sensitive area for a couple of hours. I even felt slight pain the first time I used it, though after 3 uses or so, I could not feel any such effect. 

Though it is advisable to use hygiene washes only once in 2-3 days, I have even used it daily during the hot humid weather. It has never caused any irritation or itching at all. However, I find it a little funny for the company to mention using it twice a day, after I studied the ingredients. The ingredients are NOT safe for pregnant women and better be not used before intercourse because the menthol will cause de-sensitization.


The vagina is naturally darker than the rest of the body and does have a certain 'smell' of its own, which is not what you would use an intimate wash for. So please don't fall for such marketing gimmicks.

Now the 'lightens skin color' claim... Well I had used it for two weeks or so before I realized it is the same intimate wash that had created quite a stir in the media through its first TV ad. With the bias towards a lighter skin tone, the pressure to look good and 'fair', and cosmetic companies cashing really high on it with all sorts of skin-whitening creams and lotions, the Clean and Dry wash's first TV commercial just added a new dimension to that pressure. It kind of emphasized that to be acceptable to your partner, not only do you need to have a 'fair' skin tone, but also a 'whiter' private part. BullSh*t! 

Just Google it and you will understand why that ad called upon so much wrath on itself. Anyways, after a LOT of criticism, the company suddenly pulled off that ad and has replaced that with a grim ad where a lady doctor advises you to use this wash to feel clean and dry all day. This reminds me of something I read a few days ago "Shekhar Kapoor : Cosmetic companies are trying to turn India into a nation of Albinos. No dark area on any part of the body. Except may be our hearts. Got a cream for that?".... Even Lactacyd makes a whitening intimate wash but it is not launched in India yet.

Now that most of you are curious I checked that it HAS cleared up the skin on the inner thighs, which is naturally a little dark due to friction, but I am also seeing blackheads in the hair roots which were not there earlier. So I have a feeling this product kind of blocks pores, may be that's how it creates the 'dry' feeling too. But I am not sure.

The packaging is extremely poor and I can easily call it third-class packaging. You need to be very careful while dispensing the liquid, else a lot of it flows out and cannot be put back easily.

Clean and Dry Intimate Wash Review

The bottle did not have any lamination or seal. It does not even have a proper cap... only a lid that does not even get latched or locked. No matter how carefully I dispense the liquid, the bottle does feel soapy/slimy most times and needs to be washed everytime. I seriously feel that the company should improve the packaging.

Clean and Dry Intimate Wash Review

Midascare also markets a Clean and Dry cream and Clean and Dry Powder which you can find on online stores like etc.


Even though I have never felt any itching with this wash, I may not repurchase it as the ingredient list raised my concerns. Not only does it contain sulphates, but also triethanalomine... a lot of foaming agents. Further, both sulphates and triethanalomine can turn cancer causing upon coming in contact with certain chemicals. If not rinsed off properly, ethanalomines can cause irritation and chemical burns on the skin. Prolonged and continuous use of such ingredients is fatal.

Plus this wash misses out on a very important ingredient: Lactic acid, which helps maintain the natural pH of the vagina.

The preservatives methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone in this wash are again high irritants. All in all, I feel the harsh cleansing agents in this wash may actually kill the good bacteria present in the vagina, which should not happen.

Everteen Natural Intimate Wash Review
Lactacyd Feminine Wash Review
Vagisil Intimate Feminine Wash Review
SOFY Bodifit Sanitary Napkins Review


  1. thanks for the review.. even i did not like it.. just laying around useless..
    will try Lactacyd..

    1. Thanks for sharing your feedback dear. Yes, Lactacyd is comparatively milder than all other washes out there. I have even seen some wash which cost around Rs 1200 and still have a laundry list of chemicals.

  2. Heights!! This whitening thing has broken all the records. Body skin lightening is still acceptable but this is insane.
    Anyways, It seems an okay product but using twice a day is not good. Limiting it to couple of times during a week is fine! I agree ingredients like sulphates can be dangerous if used regular.

    1. This was the first one that came with the lightening idea but others too jumped up the bandwagon :) And Niesha, this one is quite cheap. The imported ones in the Rs 1000+ range are rather harsher.

  3. Very nicely reviewed,though I have still not used any such washes and I think I am going to stay clear off this one for sure..

  4. nice review gagan..but will skip this one coz of ingredients.. and i love the clicks...:):) I dnt remember the name which one i am using i bought it from Tesco..Its really good..would let u knw ..:)

  5. Thanks gagan for this review, i was planning to buy. can you please suggest which one should I buy?

    1. Dear Ankita, you can try Lactacyd. It is milder than the rest. You can check the review under Personal Care tab above.

      To be honest, all have some or the other chemical which may be harmful in long term use. But you should go for the ones that have lactic acid or lactoserum, and use once in a few days for regular use. Can be more regular in case of infection.

  6. i use lactacyd but not very frequently. maybe once or twice a day... whitening claims made by any product is hillarious.. nd people actually fall for them. its high time, we realise that companies just loot our pockets and make a fortune for themselves by relying on such gimmicks!

    thanks for the review gagan :)

    1. You are right Supriya, the whitening thing is actually taking even the wisest of people in. I personally know some people with dark skin tone who have gorgeously supple and healthy skin and I am all for healthy skin. It is high time we learn to accept ourselves and cherish who we are.

  7. very nice review, thnx alott, need to ask one more question, do u think lactacyd is safe to use before intrcourse?

    1. The female body is already blessed with a natural mechanism to maintain the ideal pH down there through the good bacteria present there. These washes mainly help when the bad bacteria increase in number and create an imbalance thereby causing odour and discharge.

      This is more like a medicated product but I think there won't be any harm in using it before intercourse as long as you are using a normal quantity for cleaning purpose only and rinsing it out thoroughly. Just NEVER use it inside the body for that extra clean feeling/ for douching.

  8. For me i think femfresh intimate wash is still de best. Tested and confirmed and has gud ingredients too.

    1. Ah really? I checked the ingredients of femfresh intimate wash and while it does contain some good ingredients essential in an intimate wash, it also contains heaps of crappy chemicals like any other chemical based intimate wash. For 1-2 bottles it doesn't matter, the problem arises when someone uses them twice a day as most brands recommend and also when women use them continuously for very long time frames without giving any break in between. And yet another risk arises from the fact that all these MUST be rinsed off and someone using them in a hurry and not thoroughly rinsing them out will cause them health risks. As for 'tested', all of them are thoroughly tested and most are pH balanced.

  9. Well, thanks a lot for the review. I haven't use of any kind of intimate wash products and was in a confusion to go with it or not. I asked my mate, who has used this product. She recommended me to not to go with this. So tell me is it like, to keep ourself bacteria free and hygienic! We should go with these products?

    1. Dear Shanaya, we need to use these products mainly to keep the private parts clean without disrupting the natural pH balance. Let me explain so this makes more sense. We can use soap on the rest of the body to clean it but we should not use soap to clean the vaginal region as soaps are too harsh for that and may cause irritation. Vaginal region contains natural bacteria and nature has made it this way to maintain a certain pH balance in there. Infections happen when we use soaps and these soaps wash away those natural bacteria, thus disrupting the natural pH balance there. Also 'bad' bacteria start flourishing during infections, which is when these washes help.

      So these washes are meant to gently clean that area without washing away the good bacteria in there and also to kill the bad bacteria during an infection. This is why 'lactoserum' and 'lactic acid' are important ingredients in such washes as they help maintain the good bacteria. Hope this makes sense.

      This clean and dry intimate wash is a little harsh. I stopped using it after this review and half of the bottle was lying unused. It's just like a shampoo so one day I used it as a detergent/liquid cleanser for washing artificial flowers. You won't believe, the plastic stems of most of those flowers cracked and my hands burnt like I had washed clothes in some cheap highly caustic detergent. This has made me all the more scared to use this wash.

      Try the everteen intimate wash, that's made from natural ingredients and ideal for daily cleaning also. The link is above at the end of the article.

  10. I use Oriflame's intimate wash and it's SO good. It's a bit expensive but 300 ml bottle lasted me for good six months which is not bad at all. One pump is enough. If you ever get the chance to buy it, then go ahead!

    1. I have heard positive feedback on the Oriflame one earlier also Deepika and when I compared, the ingredients were quite similar to Lactacyd. You have further confirmed that it is good :) My neighbor sells Oriflame products so I can easily procure from her whenever I want. I will surely give it a try in the future. Currently I am using Everteen and VWash Plus with Seabuckthorn oil and am stocked up for long.

  11. nice review and i haven't use this product but i use xtone for 7 years and that to work great for me.
    i never suffer any infection after using it and use it without a day miss

    1. Thanks for telling me about xtone Gurjeet. Had never heard of it before. I will check it out. But yes there are many medicated ones in the market that I may not know of. 7 years is a very long time. Personally I rotate products and don't repeat a product immediately. Either give a gap of a couple weeks in between or I use another good product and then come back to the first one.

  12. I have been using the soap over there the same way i use on the other body parts..
    I never caused irritation or infection
    Wat would u say about the existence of that good bacteria?
    Would it still be present..? If not! How can it be revived back?

    1. You are lucky that you have not had an infection yet or may be you are too young. Our immunity is high when we are very young. Soaps are high on pH and we need a low / slightly acidic pH down there to maintain the good bacteria and healthy skin. Even our shampoos and body washes are pH balanced and it is important that your intimate wash should be pH balanced too.

      Using harsh soaps imbalances the pH value and washes out those good bacteria. But nature constantly promotes the growth of good bacteria there so they are very much there, don't worry. Simply switch to a mild wash for intimate hygiene. You can start with Everteen which is made from herbs in an agar agar base. The review link is above at the end of the article.

  13. Oh!! is it really so bad impact on company, if the product dont work they shd nt be sold, and chemicals should not be tried on internal parts, so it is better to use good quality rather than such ones:)

    1. It still sells a lot Sneha and especially their newly launched Clean and Dry foam wash :) People go by ads not by their brains. That's marketing.

  14. thank u for the review i will try it now....thanks a lot

  15. Hello…
    Thanks for your review…
    I’m 23 yr old and I’m getting married in December so which one is best for me..even I also want to get rid of from ingrown hair..i was planning to buy clean and dry wash but now i drop my idea
    please help me

  16. does the girl who have never had sex before and got rashes because of periods and sometimes it gets iching can use this wash.


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