Thursday, March 27, 2014

Easy DIY Natural Room Freshener

I have been yearning to make my own potpourri, fragrance diffuser and natural room freshener for quite some time now. My family was going high on Ambi-pur and chemical overdose of anything bothers me. So finally I have made a very very easy room freshener and my room feels so nice and fresh these days.

We have an artificial lake here surrounded by a vast golf course. Since childhood, I have admired the small wooden pine flowers scattered on the ground under those trees. Recently it just striked me I can use those for making a room freshener. So during my recent visit, I collected them and brought home.

My little one also loves participating in such activities, so he was after me to make it asap. We broke off the stems, put the wooden pine flowers in a clean glass container and finally poured some lavender based fragrance oil on them.

We then quickly covered the mouth of the glass vessel with a piece of cardboard and did some shaking for a few seconds to mix the oil. And it was done!

Some of you might remember I had bought small aromatherapy oil bottles from, which had their seal broken. I checked with Soulflower and they told me those are meant only for using in a diffuser. So I used one of those to make this natural room freshener. You can use any fragrance oil/ attar or even a few drops of essential oil like we use in ready made potpourris.

If anyone at your home has breathing problems, then avoid using fragrance oils. (Fragrance oils are not pure natural fragrances like essential oils.) But using essential oils is a great way to freshen up your room and depending on the choice of oil you use, it can really pep up your mood or calm down your senses. for example lavender fragrance calms the senses and sweet orange or patchouli or geranium will uplift your mood.

I will try coloring the remaining ones with food color to make them attractive and if it works, I will share a picture of that.

If you like spicy fragrances, you can also boil some cinnamon or cloves in oil or water to bring out their essence and spray that over any dry flowers for fragrance. Also, if you have  a few drops of any of your favorite fragrances/perfume left over in a bottle and the bottle's mouth can be opened, mix that with a few drops of water and use over dry flowers for the same effect.

By the way, essential oils are not that costly. Once you buy a small bottle, it lasts ages as you need only a few drops for each use and sometimes just 1-2 drops.

So next time you pass under a tree which has such wooden flowers, collect them and try this. Basically you need something that can absorb and retain the fragrance. If anyone of you wants these pines, let me know and I can send these to you.


  1. Its just so brilliant idea Gagan :)
    I'm loving the simplest yet too practical DIY to use it at our home.
    I also have Soulflower essential oils which are still kept unused with me.
    now, i'll also try to look for such flowers so that i may make my room fragrant as yours.
    Very well done !!


    1. Dear Shipa, I am glad you liked the idea and knowing your creativity, I am sure you do want to try it. Send me your address and I will send you a packet of the dry pine fruits :)

    2. wow, dat wud be nice..if it doesn't trouble u :)
      will be sending u my address

    3. No formalities. I will surely send once I receive your address :)

  2. wow.. thats awesome! where do you get such ideas from?? these days i am too much averse to any artificaial or strong fragrance.. i even don't let my husband use strong deos.. i think this mild DIY will suit my senses :)

    1. He he thanks for the compliment Sweetie. Ever since my life inclined towards aromatherapy and other natural alternatives, these ideas have started popping. Even I find certain scents very overwhelming and those spray aerosol room fresheners make me very uncomfortable too. Glad you liked this idea. Would you like to have these? Let me know and I will send dear.

  3. It is an excellent idea Gagan! :) I can understand why Khush was so eager to get it done, they love DIY stuff.:)
    Thanks for sharing this, I will definitely try it! :)

    1. Yes Sweetie, he loves DIY stuff and the moment I mention any such thing, it gives him a kick :) Glad you liked it.

  4. Wow Gagan u r a genius. These are natural and i am sure it smells really good. Gonna try this once i would my hands on these flowers!

    1. :) Thanks Dear, I am sure you can find these or any other dry flowers easily in MP. I have lived there, so I can say that.


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